Paragliding Training

Conditions of Paragliding Training

Requirements to start the course

  • Age: Over 16 under 55ı
  • Weight: 45 kg to 100 kg
  • Height: 1.55 m to 2.00 m
  • Education: To be at least a secondary school graduate

Documents requested to enroll in the course

  • ''May give a medical report'' the board report from the competent hospital ''Is suitable for flight'' report. The report's validity period will not exceed 2 years.
  • Two separate commitments. For initial and reliant trainings
  • Notarized permission from the parent - for trainees under the age of 18
  • Photocopy of birth certificatei
  • A total of 6 photographs, two biometric
  • Document showing blood type
  • Diploma from the institution where he last studied
  • Good behaviour and criminal record from the prosecutor's office

Paragliding Training

Paragliding Training : You're so close to making your dream come true!